Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Study of ...

acarology - The study of mites and ticks
acology - The science of medical remedies
actinology - The study of the effect of light on chemicals
adenology - The part of physiology that treats of the glands
aerobiology - The study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials, as pollen, spores, microorganisms, or viruses
aerolithology - The science of aerolites
aerology - The study of the air and of the atmosphere
aetiology - The study of causes or origins
agnoiology - The study of things of which cannot be known
agriology - The comparative study of primitive, illiterate or "savage" cultures
agrobiology - The science of plant life and nutrition
agrology - The science and art of agriculture
agrostology - The study of grasses
aetiology - The study of causation
alethiology - The branch of logic dealing with truth and error
algology - The branch of botany dealing with algae
allergology - The study of the causes and treatment of allergies
amphibiology - The study of amphibia
anaesthesiology / anesthesiology - The science of administering anaesthetics
andragogy - The methods or techniques used to teach adults
andrology - A branch of medicine concerned with male diseases and especially with those affecting the male reproductive system
anemology - The study of the movements of the winds
angeiotomy / angeiology - the medical specialty which studies the diseases of circulatory system and of the lymphatic system
angelology - The study of angels

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